Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Text analysis Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Text analysis - member ExampleEven though the generator knows that balancing the job requirements and family attention can be challenging, she instinctively insists upon going on with the dream of fashioning a positive impact on the society as a whole. She even vows to be role model to her daughter and that explains how dedicated and passionate she is towards dream of making positive impact on peoples life. Although the writer is the central character in the degree and we can learn more slightly her, the introduction of Lana (the patient) seems to gives much in depth information about the whole scenario (Ehrenhaft and George, 56).The writer gives a brief description about herself and that is critical in giving taste into her inspirations to become a hold dear. The writer seems to be motivated more by the events that happen in her life. She quotes That rumor solidified my purpose of positively contributing to society, positively influencing peoples life, and being the best nur se I can be. I know that I need to take my career to the next take aim.This canvas is so appealing to the audience. The setting is such that it is easy to understand the main theme of the essay (Ehrenhaft and George, 78). From the essay, a person can be easily convinced that social responsibility is something that needs to be implemented for the wellbeing of the society. The transition from one point of argument to the other in the essay is splendid. The writer offers her argument in a more open and detailed manner. She first, describes herself then she talks about the family and eventually she talks about her job and her relationship with the patients. She also talks about how that relationship has helped her make a positive impact in somebodys life.The most interesting part of the essay is the detail that the writer acknowledges that you can make an impact on somebodys life despite your economic,

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